Yoga Fundamentals | Yoga For BeginnersCome join us for a 4 week workshop to learn the fundamentals of yoga. In this workshop, there will be guided instruction on proper alignment and detailed queuing on how certain postures should feel in your body. Feeling confident in your practice and being able to identify what muscles are involved to support us in our postures makes our classes so much more enjoyable. EveryBODY will take a different shape and look different in postures, but we would love for each student to feel confident in their own specific shapes. Most importantly, we would love for you to walk away from this workshop feeling empowered in your own body and mind. We live in such a high paced society and most of us are drawn to the fast paced, intense workouts, and in no way is that wrong; however, we would be overjoyed to have more people start to listen to their bodies and understand when the appropriate times are to take their BODIES to a yoga class to give it that mental and physical break. It doesn't matter how flexible, strong, or body aware you may think you are or are not. We hope to instill in the community that showing up and being present with your breath and your body for the duration of the class, on your mat, is all one needs to give to themself. Can't wait to see you on your mat!