Options For Your Acupuncture
Acupuncture & TCM AdultNourishing fertility, pregnancy, postpartum, digestion, emotional wellness, sleep, hormone balance, milk supply & more.
These visits always include acupuncture & may also include: herbal medicine recommendations & custom formulas, fire cupping, acupressure, auricular ear seeds, TCM nutritional recommendations, guasha, seasonal lifestyle recommendations & more. Initials $165 Follow Ups $110 |
Orthopaedic Sports AcupunctureThese acupuncture appointments focus on musculoskeletal health & wellness. Bringing awareness to range of motion, reduction of pain & restoration of strength & balance and may also include; fire cupping, gua sha, TCM acupuncture, herbal medicine, TCM nutritional recommendations, yoga / qi gong / strength training exercises.
Initials $165 Follow Ups $110 |
Birth Prep & Natural Induction Acupuncture
Supporting a well pregnancy & birth prep & offering natural induction with acupuncture, acupressure, Gua Sha & / or cupping as needed.
Acupuncture & TCM Initial $165 Birth Prep & Natural Induction Acupuncture Follow Ups $110 |
TCM Herbal MedicineThese comprehensive herbalism appointments can support both adults & children. Supporting immunity, skin wellness, sleep, cognition, emotional wellness, digestion & more; for children & adults. As well as reproductive, prenatal & postpartum wellness, libido & mental health for adults.
Available in clinic or virtually Initial $120 Follow Up: $85 |
* Now accepting Cochrane Connect Cards. Please email [email protected] for prices or questions. *
Please note there is a 24 hour cancellation policy on all appointments.
If you are unable to attend your appointment, please cancel through Momence, or email us at [email protected].
Any cancellations made within 24 hours are subject to the cancellation fee of the full amount of your appointment.
If you are unable to attend your appointment, please cancel through Momence, or email us at [email protected].
Any cancellations made within 24 hours are subject to the cancellation fee of the full amount of your appointment.